If you have not done so already, please create an account at www.onstageamericateachers.com. To begin, create a roster of all competing students. Once your roster is complete you can enter your routines. All schedules and routine numbers will be posted for teachers to view on this account. Students can be added, deleted, or modified by the studio via your account at any time. (National entries can be created with two simple clicks!) Payments can be made online with a [single] credit card payment or by sending us a check in the mail. All credit card payments will have a 3% service fee; whether it is done through the online portal or by calling us. Please make checks payable to; ON STAGE AMERICA (OSA) Payments made by check have no surcharge as long as the payment is made by the deadline. Returned checks will be charged a $35.00 fee, and only a cashier’s check or money order will be accepted from the studio in the future. Please note that your registration will not be considered complete until full payment is received and that all entry fees are non-refundable.
(If submitting a hard copy of entries please submit one entry form per routine. All entries should be mailed together, with a typed Master List, in one large envelope and postmarked by the deadline date (listed next to the competition date in this brochure). All entries must be accompanied with payment in full by a single studio check payable to ON STAGE AMERICA (OSA).
Competition Information: Your schedule will be available on the registration site approximately 10 days before the event date.
There are no refunds for entry fees on a Regional or National Level. Gift certificates are issued only in cases of documented injury or illness. These will be issued directly to the studio.
We must have a signed parent/guardian consent form for each kid before the competition date.
Late Entries
Late entries will be accepted up to three weeks prior to the competition on a space-available basis. Any late entries received less than three weeks prior to the competition will be charged a late fee of 10% of the entry fees. Payment for all entries mailed after the Deadline Date (see schedule for deadline date of each competition) must be submitted with a CASHIER’S CHECK,MONEY ORDER, or CREDIT CARD and sent by OVERNIGHT EXPRESS MAIL. We can not take responsibility for a check not reaching us so please make sure to send only via something that needs a signature upon reciept and has a proof of delivery.
Entry Divisions and Time Limits
Division | Group Size | Time Limit |
Solo | 1 Performer | 2:45 mins |
Duo/Trio | 2 - 3 Performers | 2:45 mins |
Small Group | 4 - 9 Performers | 3:00 mins |
Large Group | 10 - 19 Performers | 4:00 mins |
Line | 20+ Performers | 5:00 mins |
Production | 15+ Performers | 8:00 mins |
* The length of entries may be extended with prior approval of an On Stage America director and will require an additional charge of $2.00 per dancer/minute for each routine that exceeds the time limit.
Solo & Duo/Trio dancers cannot compete against themselves in the same category.
Solos are limited to three per competition for Advanced dancers, two for Intermediate dancers, and ONE for Novice dancers.
An entry that is unable to perform with its respective division, will be adjudicated only. For Example, A Junior dancing on a Senior day or a Senior dancing on a Junior day is not eligible for High Score Awards unless it is scheduled by On Stage America.
Competitive Levels
Novice: The Novice level should be kids with no competition experience or first year competitors. Minis are exempt from this rule.
Intermediate: Dancers performing in the Intermediate level should be taking fewer than 5 hours of classes weekly.
Advanced: Dancers performing in the Advanced level are dancing more than five hours per week.
Please keep in mind that these limits are suggestions, as we expect you to use your best judgement where to place the kids within their correct level.
Age Divisions (Updated in 2022)
Mini | 6 and Under |
Petite | 7 - 9 |
Junior | 10 - 12 |
Teen | 13 - 15 |
Senior | 16 -21 |
OSA Adults | 22 & Older |
Teachers: Anyone over 18 years old who is receiving monetary compensation for his/her services to the studio
Pro-Am: For teachers dancing in a routine with 1 (one) or more students
* All ages are as of January 1st of the year of the event.
Ages of entries other than solos must be averaged. In determining average age, drop all decimals. Full names, ages, and birth dates of all performers must be attached to the entry form.
In Group Divisions (Small and Large Groups), and Line: No more than fifty percent of the dancers can be Higher than the average age else the routine will be moved to a higher age group.
For Example: If a group has 16 dancers and the average age is 10, BUT there are 9 or more dancers who are above the age of 13, the group will be moved to Teen Division (13-15).
This rule does not apply to Petite Group, Line, and Productions.
Productions are exempt from this rule. For a Production routine please average the ages and drop the decimal.
Performance Music
All music must be uploaded 5 days prior to the event. If your music is uploaded after the routines were added, please use the audio association tool on the music page to associate your songs with the routines. It is the teacher’s responsibility to make sure the music is properly uploaded, associated with a proper routine, and is correct music. There is an option to play each music uploaded.
Please be sure to have a backup of all music. Even if you uploaded the music, you must have a backup on a USB drive in a format that can be played on our computers. Music downloaded on iTunes (such a .m4p) will more than likely not play on our systems. We prefer music in mp3 with a bit rate of 128 or better.
Performance Categories
Category | Description |
Acro | Routine containing gymnastic passes, flexibility moves, and/or contortionist moves. Must contain dance moves and choreography as well. |
Ballet | The routine must consist of ballet technique, classical steps, and movements, performed in soft shoes. |
Character | The routine must be 50% characterization, i.e., a clown, puppet, etc., and 50% dance |
Cheer | Cheer Consisting of Cheerleading, Pom Pon, Drill Team, and Kick Line |
Clogging | Routine using clogging technique and style |
Contemporary | This routine should incorporate the techniques and styles found in ballet, modern, and jazz while using the dancer’s movements and emotions to tell their stories. |
Hip-Hop | Routine using primarily hip hop technique and moves |
Jazz | Routine using primarily jazz technique. Maximum of 3 Acro/Tumbling tricks permitted. |
Lyrical | The routine must emphasize control, musicality, and techniques found in ballet and modern dance. |
Modern | Interpretive dance patterned after Graham technique |
Musical Theatre | Designed primarily for musical comedy and Broadway dancing--mime, lip sync singing, etc, are allowed |
Pointe | Same criteria as ballet. Must be performed in Pointe shoes |
Song & Dance | The routine must consist of both singing and dancing in any category. No vocal is permitted on tape |
Tap | Routine utilizing tap technique |
Vocal | Singing Only. No Vocal is permitted on tape. |
Open | To encompass any form of dance not already listed. |
Title Solos
(Advanced Dancers Only. Vocal Solos are not eligible for Title)
Mini | Miss/Mr. On Stage America |
Petite | Miss/Mr. On Stage America |
Junior | Miss/Mr. On Stage America |
Teen | Miss/Mr. On Stage America |
Senior | Miss/Mr. On Stage America |
Advanced dancers are nominated by the Judges during the competition to re-compete for the Title of Mr. and Miss On Stage America. Up to ten nominations in each age category will be made.
Selection criteria will be based on showmanship and overall presentation, as well as technique. Only dancers who score a Hi-Platinum and above are eligible to win the title. However, earning a Hi-Platinum does not guarantee a nomination for Titles.
Dancers will perform the first minute of the routine nominated. The music will be faded off by the emcee at approximately the One Minute mark.
Winners will receive a trophy and osa dollars. Winning the Highest Score does not guarantee a Title Win.
A specific time frame will be allotted for the Title nominations and they will perform in random order picked by the judges. Dancers not ready to perform during the title competition will not be able to compete at a different time for the title.
General Information
Dress Code: On Stage America is a family-oriented event. Costuming MUST be age-appropriate and all acts presented on stage MUST be appropriate for family viewing. Choreography and lyrics which are suggestive and/or violent in nature are not acceptable. Failure to adhere to the above may lead to disqualification.
Props: Props are acceptable provided they can be set up and removed within a total time period of two minutes. Baby powder or helium balloons can not be used at any time. No dangerous props may be used on stage. No backdrop other than On Stage America’s backdrop is permitted. The floor must be in the same condition after each act that involves props. Any items that litter the stage during the routine will need to be cleaned by the studio staff immediately after the dance competes.
No special lightning request can be accepted at the competition. All routines Must perform in Full Stage Light (Full Wash).
Adherence to Schedule
Be ready! All contestants should be ready to perform 30 minutes prior to their scheduled time. If the competition is running ahead of schedule, they are expected to be ready earlier. (1 hour)
The schedule must be followed unless a change is approved in advance by OSA. Failure to follow the order of the program schedule may result in the loss of participation in the awards ceremony and/or high score awards. Contestants must check in with the backstage manager prior to dancing. As OSA usually runs early; all dancers must be ready to perform 1 hour prior to the scheduled time.
Delays: Dancers causing unwarranted delays MAY be ineligible for high score awards.
Competition Location/Days: On Stage America reserves the right to extend or decrease the competition days and change the location of the competition.
Cameras: Cameras (Still or Video) or any recording devices are not allowed in the auditorium. Photography is ONLY allowed during AWARDS Ceremony. Failure to follow this rule may result in disqualification. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STUDIO OWNERS TO MAKE SURE that all parents and guests understand these restrictions.
Incomplete Routines: Dancers who run offstage before the completion of their dance, for any reason, will be asked to perform a second time. However, they will be competing for adjudication only and will not be eligible for high score awards.
Photos: Contestants grant the directors of On Stage America their authorization to use any photographs or videos for advertising purposes.
Adjudicated Awards
Trophies or plaques will be awarded to all Diamond, Hi-Platinum, Platinum, Hi Gold, Gold, Hi-Silver, and Silver winners. Special Awards are presented during each competition. Best Choreography Awards in the Petite, Junior, Teen, and Senior divisions will be presented to the choreographer in the advanced division. In addition, all duo/trio and group dancers will receive award ribbons. Scoring will be based on a 100 point system.
A studio plaque will be awarded at the end of the competition that will list each dance along with the award it receives. Solos, duets/trios will receive a trophy or a plaque for the individual routines. OSA will award a Top Choreography and Most Entertaining award to dances at the end of the competition. This will be for 12 & Under and for 13 & Over. Individual dancers in all groups will receive a pin for each dance.
Diamond | 100 – 98 |
Hi-Platinum | 97.99 – 94 |
Platinum | 93.99 – 90 |
Hi-Gold | 89.99 – 87 |
Gold | 86.99 – 80 |
Hi-Silver | 79.99 – 77 |
Silver | 76.99 and lower |
Top Student Choreographer Award
An award will be made to the Advanced Student Choreographer from the Student Choreography category. There must be a minimum of 3 different choreographers.
High Score Awards
Awards will be given towards the entry fee for Nationals or any other future competition within a year.
Solo | $ 75.00 |
Duo/Trio | $ 75.00 |
Small Group | $ 100.00 |
Large Group | $ 100.00 |
Line | $ 100.00 |
Productions | $ 150.00 |
Pro/Am Group | $ 100.00 |
All Vocal routines receive separate High Score awards.
A soloist can only place once in the Overall Top 10 High Scores.
In the Novice (Novice)level to be eligible for overall awards, a routine must score Gold, for Intermediate level, to be eligible for the overall awards, the routine must be awarded a minimum of Hi-Gold.
In the Advanced level to be eligible for overall High Score awards, the routine must be awarded a minimum of Platinum.
All High Score prizes will be awarded to the Dance Studio.
TEACHERS AND ADULT dancers are not eligible for high score awards.